Myth: Solar Energy Is Too Expensive For Me

I am a little tired of listening people say that today, solar energy is too expensive for us to implement; that the initial cost of using solar energy in our houses is too high and that people cant afford it; and the worst of all is that the people saying this kind of things, actually know nothing about this type of energy.

Before I explain why solar power being expensive is a myth, I want to clarify that solar power is divided in two major areas that have to be treated as two different types of solar energy; thermal solar power and photovoltaic (PV) solar energy.

First we are going to talk about solar thermal, which, without a doubt is not an expensive way too use solar energy in your house. Installing a solar thermal system for a typical home in America can cost you as little as $400, and the average return of the investment in a solar heater generated by the savings in your energy bill is less than two years. So, almost no one can say that this is too expensive for you to install. And even better, if you build the solar heater yourself, the system can cost you less than a hundred dollars.

In the other hand we have the PV systems. In this case if you want to take your house completely off the grid only using solar power, it certainly will be a big one time expenditure. But, who says that you have to use solar energy in your entire house at once?

You can start by buying your first PV energy kit for less than $400 in Costco or Lowes and start too see the savings in your energy bill in the first month. The trick here is too save this money in an energy jar so you can keep buying more and cheaper solar kits for your house using only the money you are saving with your solar panels; and before you notice it, you will be living in a house completely off the grid.

So, as you can see, solar energy is not expensive, you only have to approach the issue with a new perspective.

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Make A Look Up On Facts About Solar Energy To Save Your Money

Facts about solar energy help you to understand how solar energy works and how you can save some dollars without having to run a high energy bill. Solar energy is a renewable resource and of the oldest method of energy consumption that is available at present. One of the important facts about solar energy is that rays of the sun are so powerful that if we are to convert that into energy it would mean that Earth will never run out of energy for at least another 4.5 billion years according to scientists. The sun does not create any other hazardous by products which could harm the natural environment.

During the early 1950s, facts about solar energy gave people a look upon this kind of power as an alternative to man made energy resources. Through much research it was found energy could be obtained at much cheaper source. The demand for solar power has grown substantially within the range of 20-25% over the last twenty years. Solar power is able to support household appliances, lighting and water heaters. As of the moment, solar power is more heavily priced but in the near future with the increase in scientific researches, it will bring down the costs and also increase its efficiency. Solar power is to generate 2.5% of the world's energy consumption by 2025. Energy power is the fastest growing technology.

There are some basic facts about solar energy that one needs to be acquainted to; solar energy is measured in kilowatt hours and 1 kilowatt=100 watts. One kilowatt hour is equal to the amount of electricity which is required to burn 100 watt light bulb for approximately 10 hours. An average American household consumes 866 kilowatt hours per month. The Residential Energy Consumption Survey conducted in 2001 shows that an annual energy bill was around $2000 a month.

A reduction in unit costs has contributed towards an increase in growth rates and thereby making it an important energy resource. Since 2000, one of the important facts about solar energy is that this type of power has been expanding at an incredible rate of 40% per annual. The energy generated from the sun is moving at a progressive rate in the developing countries too as the consumption of fossil fuel has doubled over the years. When compared to solar power which is unlimited, fossil fuel reserves are diminishing. Setting up solar power appliances is relatively easier in the more remote areas in comparison for setting up an expensive power grid structure. A disadvantage of fossil fuels is that the prices have risen together with the price of transporting coal, oil and gas.